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Modern Architecture

 Jesus In a Prison

 Jesus In a Prison

 Jesus In a Prison

"I was in prison and you came to visit me. I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
(Matthew 25:36, 40)

If Jesus were on earth today, we would find Him in prisons, visiting criminals and outcasts. The son of man came to "seek and save the lost" and we are called to do the same. If God has a heart for prison ministry, so must we.


How Exactly Are We Able to Do This?

Below are the wonderful organizations that we work with to bring songwriters and songs into prisons. Please read all about them and what they do in addition to helping advance Jesus Behind Bars.


Men of Valor

In First Samuel we read, “those who were in distress or in debt or discontented” gathered around David. He encouraged those “outlaws”, united them, and trained them to become the great soldiers who were eventually known as David’s mighty “men of valor.” In similar fashion, our ministry begins with reaching out to incarcerated men. These men, too, are discontented, rebellious, and have certainly proven to be outlaws in our society. We encourage them with the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we welcome them into the family of God, we train them in the Biblical principles of manhood, and with a very structured plan, we help them to become the men, husbands, fathers, and members of society that God created them to be.

Core Civic

CoreCivic is committed to providing high quality, compassionate treatment to all those in our care. 

Under CoreCivic Safety we operate safe facilities that provide education and effective reentry programming to help individuals make positive changes so they can return to the community successfully.
Under CoreCivic Community, we manage transitional centers to help justice-involved individuals ease into their new life after incarceration, and provide non-residential options like electronic monitoring. 

CoreCivic Properties offers innovative real estate solutions to government including build-to-suit and flexible lease options.

The Beat of Life

The Beat of Life was founded with the idea that Nashville needed a resource center that would bring together human and social service organizations that serve critical community needs, with the vast and rich resources and talent of our music community in Nashville. It was founded on the belief that if there existed such a center, music programs that were not affordable by these non-profit organizations serving our people in need, could be brought to these challenged and hurting populations free of charge. It was also founded on the belief that we live in a city of tremendous heart, where members particularly of our music community are eager to give of their time, skills, talents, and passions, but that there was a need for a one stop shop, a central clearinghouse of sorts, to bring together what we have with what is needed in this city. We have an unbelievable amount of incredible music-related resources here in Nashville. We have both aspiring and established/acclaimed artists, songwriters, musicians, and singers; we have several universities filled with music students ready to storm the community; we have music industry professionals and experts, and we have hundreds of music stores, studios, labels, publishers, PROs, music performance venues, and any and every other music industry company and organization imaginable and in existence. It is virtually unlimited, and only keeps growing as more and more aspiring musicians, writers, and students flood into this town every year, and more music-related organizations are developed each year. The Beat of Life was founded to become a galvanizing and joining of the forces, if you will, to mobilize all of these tremendous music-related resources into the creation of music programs for Nashville’s most challenged populations, that we then coordinate and facilitate. The vision can perhaps be seen as the ultimate of collaborations… creating a city-wide partnership designed to be able to serve the needy, hurting, and challenged populations right here amongst us… and by doing exactly what we do best here in Nashville.

Our Prison Partners

Riverbend Maximum Security Prison


© 2023 by JIAB

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